Here's why you need:
Fabric strips 1/4-1/2 wide by about 12"-15".
Basket, box or other storage unit
All your lovely larger pieced scraps!

I was definitely overflowing in scraps!

I bought my baskets at Micheal's. I think they were 2.50-3.00 half off. There are also very small probably 8x5. Each basket holds maybe 25-30 scraps.

Mine where brown so I spray painted them black.

Now to all my scraps.

Take them a fold in into a piece 3-5xwhat-ever-length.

Roll it up...

and tie it off.
Though its a little time at first consuming, its real easy and it looks great! I've also done this with some of my large pieces of fabric that I don't use very much. Just roll them up and stick them in a box.

Linking up with- Tatertots and Jello , Flamingo Toes, and One Artsy Mama

I've been struggling with how to organize my fabric scraps. This is a great idea!
ReplyDeletethis is a really good (and cute!) idea. I find way more inspiration when I can SEE what i have to work with. I'd love if you would come share this with my readers. http://rhapsodyofcacophony.blogspot.ca/2012/04/pin-ed-it-made-it-party-0427.html
ReplyDeleteIn the mean time I'm going to pin this!
Just wanted to let you know that I included your awesomely organized fabric scraps baskets in my fabric organization round-up. Here's the link to the post in case you want to stop by and check it out!
ReplyDeleteFiling Fabric & A Fabric Organization Round-Up
The Thinking Closet